A call’s priority helps determine how soon it is offered to an available Agent in a Queue. Calls with higher priorities are sent to Agents first. In the case where there are several queued calls with the same priority, calls are sent to agents based on the longest wait time. A call’s priority is controlled two ways: by the phone number that originally places a call in a Queue, and then by escalation rules within a queue. 

NocTel integration allows you to send calls to Flow using different destination telephone numbers. Once the call arrives, Flow looks up the Phone Number and associated Queue, then places the call into the associated Queue with the Queue’s default priority. These initial priority settings are controlled under the Phone Numbers sections within Flow Setup. With these settings, you can send calls to two different numbers which go to the same queue with different priorities. For example, both numbers might go into a support queue, but depending on which support number is called by customers the initial priority of calls placed in the same Queue can differ. In practice, this may look like providing one support contact number for general customers and providing an expedited or priority support contact number to preferred or high volume/value customers. Calls put into queue from the latter number may initially arrive as a “high” priority call while the general support number-based calls are entered as “normal” priority.


Once the call is in a Queue, the priority is escalated based on rules set in the Queues section of Flow. These escalation rules are found under the Service Level section in the New Queue or Queue Edit screen.  Call escalation can be increased within the queue based on a time increment as the call is waiting. This mechanism ensures lower priority calls are never perpetually put off due to higher priority calls entering the Queue protecting customer satisfaction. 

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